WSR-88D Radar products

Weather Radar is a very powerful tool that is used by biologists across the world to track biota. The Aeroecology lab at the University of Delaware, headed by Dr. Jeff Buler, analyzes weather radars to answer important questions about Avian Stopover and movement ecology. During my Masters in the Aeroecology Lab, I packaged our suite of radar functions in R to help take raw radar data and analyze it. This package includes many useful codes including analyze take off times of birds at night, beam characteristic calculators, and creating Vertically Integrated Radar Profiles. It contains over 20 functions specific for working with WSR-88D radar data

This packages includes tools to:

  • Take NetCDF outputs and convert to useable tables
  • Create vertically integrated profiles using radiosonde data.
  • Calculate the exodus timing of birds from radar, automatically.
  • Calculate beam characteristics with optional parameters for different kinds of radars
  • Create output summaries that can be easily mapped in GIS using output files.

Radar Package

This large package has so many novel intricacies it will take a while to summarize them all outside of the included help file. Currently we are discussing releasing it publically, for now if you are interested in receiving a copy contact me or my advisor Dr. Jeff Buler