Meet me at AOS 2018 in Tucson!
I’ve just got the announcement from the American Ornithologist Society panel that I’ll be leading TWO events at the conference in Tuscon.
- Auriel Fournier and I will continue the tradition of teaching our R Workshop at AOS
“Taking the Next Step with R: Data Management, Publication Quality Graphics and Function Building”
We’re taking notes from last year and changing the structure of the workshop a bit. This year we are continuing to teach the the Tidyverse section and Auriels every popular GGplot course. I am changing up the structure of my portion and focusing on function building with an emphasis on automation. I hope this will allow students get learn something new and at a pace that will hopefully stick with them.
The workshop is April 10th.
I’ll post the updates as I get them on the Course page.
- I am leading the First meeting of the R oRnithologists!
With R’s ever increasing popularity there is a rise in biologists using it to make amazing products. However, these advancements are often not communicated and shared with others in the community. Therefore there is a need to get R programmers together to talk standards, methods, and show off cool things being built in R
As I focus heavily on user inteface with R, I will be presenting a couple of widgets I’ve built in Shiny and discuss the usefulness of using R in your lab.
Come join us April 13, 2018 to talk R.
You can sign up for AOS here